1. Upon launching the Virtual Machine Instance (VMI) several scripts will run to configure the instance. By default, it is setup to listen on ports 80 for CSE and port 8080 for the identity provider (Keycloak) using the public IP address provided by Azure:
2. The VM instance ID (vmID) will be the initial password for both your keyadmin and expadmin default accounts. Both should be reset to unique values. The vmID can be found in the JSON View of your instance panel:
User Management
1. User management can be performed through Keycloak by logging in to http://
Updating the Hostname
By default, the application is setup to utilize the public IP address provided by Azure. If you would like to use a DNS hostname, you can execute the following commands as root (sudo) in the instance:
mkdir /opt/mdaca/etc/setup
echo <
touch /opt/mdaca/init.log
mkdir /opt/mdaca/etc/setup
echo cse.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com > /opt/mdaca/etc/host_ip
touch /opt/mdaca/init.log
SSL/TLS Configuration
By default, the application is setup to listen on ports 80 and 8080. It can be setup to utilize TLS and ports 443 and 8443 instead. The following files need to be updated with your certificates:
tls.key | Private key of your certificate |
tls.crt | Public key of your certificate |
server.p12 | Public and private key in PKCS12 format |
ca.crt | Public key of your certificate authority |
server.truststore | Java keystore (JKS) containing the public keys of your CA and your certificate |
You will then need to run the following scripts:
mkdir /opt/mdaca/etc/setup
echo <
/opt/mdaca/bin/set-tls.sh true
touch /opt/mdaca/init.log
mkdir /opt/mdaca/etc/setup
echo cse.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com > /opt/mdaca/etc/host_ip
/opt/mdaca/bin/set-tls.sh true
touch /opt/mdaca/init.log
Note: The command /opt/mdaca/init/reset.sh completely removes all configuration data /including any users, groups, and roles added to Keycloak. Therefore, updating the hostname or setting up SSL/TLS as documented herein should be done before adding any of these artefacts or making other site specific configuration changes.